Post Waxing Aftercare


Guys, you have had your waxing session. Your therapist gave you all the after care advice and you have completely forgotten it. Here is that advice again.

Okay so you’ve had your waxing treatment, your therapist was talking you through post waxing aftercare during your treatment. But you didn’t take it all in….! It’s very important that you follow your waxing aftercare guidelines straight away to ensure you get the best results following of from your treatment. Ignoring these could cost you dearly in terms of how your skin could react, so follow these and keep the skin smooth, soft and hair free.

Skinic Male Aesthetics Clinic - Man lying on the beach in just shorts and wearing sunglasses
  1. The first question that clients usually ask straight after waxing is how soon after their treatment can they have a shower! Firstly when you have your waxing treatment your therapist should leave you with clean skin, so as well as being hair-free, you should be wax free. In an ideal world wait 24 hours.
  2. Your skin may feel slight sensitive after waxing, this is very common so don’t worry. Avoid heavy layers of creams and oily products as they won’t allow the skin to breathe and can often cause more irritation.
  3. Use a suitable antibacterial skin wash on your skin every time you bath or shower.
  4. Some guys, may experience a histamine reaction, especially on the chest and abs. This is usually immediate, especially for wax virgins. This will go over the first few hours.
  5. Avoid any friction. Wear loose fitting clothing is the key
  6. Avoid the gym…. yes you read that correctly! the combination of sweat and freshly waxed follicles will more than likely result in you getting bacteria on the skin. Wait at least 24 hours.
  7. Avoid swimming pools, saunas and hot tubs, for the same reasons as above.
  8. The most important thing that you need to do is exfoliate. This needs to be done with a suitable product for the area. You should exfoliate three days after your waxing treatment.
  9. After intimate waxing treatment the same after-care guidelines apply
  10. As your skin settles for those first few days after waxing try and keep your clothing to natural fibres.

So guys thing to do is to follow the correct after-care guidelines. Remember that your therapist will often was hundred of clients each month, so in terms of skin reactions, side-effects, tips and guidelines as to what works best, they will be the best person to advise.

Good luck with your waxing!…. if in doubt shout out! Follow your post waxing aftercare.

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